
Sunday, July 24, 2011

50 Days Until Autumn....Sigh

Oh, Fall. Shall I count the ways in which you are superior to every other season. The act is probably superfluous but I cannot resist the deliciousness your juncture brings. Why do I love autumn, and yes the rest of the English speaking world does look at us strangely for calling it "fall," so much? It just has that certain something, a je ne sais quoi. Actually, I think i can put my finger a few things that make the third season just so freaking win. They may not be the same for everybody, and I would hope not. I mean SOMEBODY has to love this stupid three month hell called summer during which time I hibernate in a cocoon, closely temperature controlled and emitting only enough light through so that I do not become opaque...

An Ode to Autumn (in listomania form):

1. Cooler weather. Yes. This does mean I may leave the house again! Feel that breeze? I don't just sweat my clothes by stepping outside and we aren't the horrible neighbors with the shameful lawn anymore! And what's that? When I open my west-facing front door I don't burn off my first layer of epidermis! Yay! Oh, the relief!

2. Hoodies!!! Number two is directly related to number one of course. There is nothing more comfy. As I have said in previous posts, my standard uniform is jeans, t-shirt (preferably with geek logo) and it should be topped off with a hoodie. For those of you ignorant of the joys of hoodiehood, a hoodie is a sweatshirt (zip or pullover, although i prefer pu) with a hood. Super snugly and super appropriate for almost any gathering!

3. Lower utility bills. Also ties into number one! Around the end of September, we start turning the AC down and opening up those windows. We can usually get away with this until a hard frost which makes up for the fact that I keep the house ridiculously cool in the ridiculously hot summer!

4. Pumpkins!! If fall has a symbol I think it probably has to be this yummy gourd. I usually start begging Chad for them as soon as they show up at the grocery store AND I have to have at least one of each! Great Pumpkins, Cinderella, Baby Bear, White Jack-O-Lantern and lots and lots of gourds!

5. That brings us here. Louisburg Cidermill and Pumpkin Patch! MORE PUMPKINS! Plus yummy, yummy donuts and delicious cider, a corn maze, hayrack ride, goats and pigs! Super fun!!!

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